So.... things are getting busy. What's up? Well, we are planning a Grocery Sac drop for Christmas. Trying to get the night nailed down, but likely next Tuesday we'll put together 20 or so grocery sacks and deliver to addresses we feel their may be a need at. I'm praying this will be God led and will light or spark someone to move forward in their walk.
We are also getting ready for Simple Talk - the first Monday at noon in January. The first ad ran this week, and we're hoping for several to sign up to join us!
All Kids Can is getting some good sporting good donations. We are also at a point where we can sponsor a couple of more if they come to us!
We also recently did an interview with the Northwest Iowa Review. Not sure when the article will run, but hoping the highlight the ministry well.
So, enough of the technical updates. I want an update on how each of you are doing spritually as you prepare for Christmas. I challenge you this weekend to not get so lost in the presents and the wrapping and the parties that you forget about Jesus. Find some quiet time to reflect on Him this weekend. Really pray about the season and the start of the celebration of his rising from the grave.
We love each of you and pray that your holiday may draw you closer to our God.