Tuesday, July 28, 2009

sorry, I messed this up...read by time, not by posting...I accidently hit publish before I was done, then was in a hurry. apologies.-Niki
Several days since that day I have walked the path and there was no water cooler and it was fine. Today I went out walking in haste. I was frustrated and overwhelmed and needed to burn some negative energy and pray and think. I was distraught. It was 3pm and it was hot. I found myself wondering between pounding steps if the water cooler would be there. I thought to myself, 'this would be a good day for the water cooler to be there' and not just for a drink. As I pictured the cooler standing in the shade on the picnic table, I also wondered if there would be a new verse on the bottles. What might God want to tell me today?

Before long I was thirsting more for the scripture on the bottle than the actual water and wondering and hoping...I rounded a corner of the path and could then see down the way to the tree and the table and There It Was! The blue cooler, resting quietly in the shade...I began to weep. I walked and I cried and I marvelled at how thirsty I was, how hot it was, how near and how far I was to the wonderful water and I just knew there would be words from the Lord inside. I just knew it.

"Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in faith, and in purity." 1 Tim 4:12


We have a long bike path in our town that wraps around the east side of town. I walk it often, as do most other residents of our town. Last week I was walking on a hot morning and came upon a cooler standing on a picnic table with a sign that read "help yourself". Inside the cooler were bottles of cool water with a bible vers stuck to them. How refreshing and suprising and delightful! I did help myself and said a prayer of thanks for whoever was thoughtful enough to be a silent blessing to me on my walk. A small gesture that did big things

Monday, July 20, 2009

its all about the link

I'm gonna try to take over this blog as my contribution to our Simply Grace ministry. I have zero admin skills, I have very little vision or passion for ministry in a global sense...but I am the fourth quadrant of Simply Grace because I listen, I pray and I care. I also write. :) I can write here and write on my personal blog and maybe 10-20 people will read my blog each day because I've been at it awhile. I may say very little that is profound or worthy there and save it all for this blog...but if noone reads it, its irrelevant.

I get amazing revelation from God all the time. If I post all of it on the other blog, noone would find this one or find us. It's all about the link. If somehow I can link up a few high profile blogs with this unknown one, someone may read this one and strike a match that burns a flame that starts a fire of revival and purpose for the Lord...that would be so cool. If someone could learn about Simply Grace and sow in seeds of money, time, effort and prayer in a way that would mushroom out and explode a ministry into greatness for God and usefulness for 3 amazing Christian women who I call my friends...that would be so cool. Maybe it's all about the link.

It is with God. It is all about the link. If we don't click on it, tap into it, read about and ponder, we are separate from Him. If we just turn our faces to the Father and Author and Redeemer and Friend, if we drag the mouse to the link and click...He can open new windows, reveal new screens, teach and empower us for whatever He has planned, waiting just beyond the link. But we have to click on it. We have to go a step further. We have to search and wonder and seek and actively participate in this crazy thing called faith and walk with the Lord, and learn.

It's all about the link so maybe, with God's blessing and a fresh breath of His Holy Spirit, we can make the link and someone may find it.

praying specifically for the following:
1. Jen's speaking conference in 2 weeks.
2. Jen's idea to have a monthly community working women's bible study over lunch hour.
3. Mel's ministry for kids who want to do extracurricular activities, called All Kids Can.
4. Danielle's plans for a women's retreat in the fall.

These are women who love the Lord and are seeking to serve Him with gifts, talents and faith...show us the way, Lord!