Hello All! It's been a bit, but lots has been happening! We're in the final stages of obtaining IRS 501(c)3 status! Whew!
Also, All Kids Can and Simple Talk have been going strong... In addition, the speaking ministry (yet to be named!) has been moving forward.
First, All Kids Can. We've helped several kids this year so far. 2 in dance, 2 with glasses, 1 in hockey, 1 with football for Fall 2010... Mel talks frequently about the e-mails she receives and the testimony of God's love that this ministry is not only to these kids, but to their entire family. Praise God we've been blessed with the funds for this ministry to date. We are planning a float for the Sioux Center Summer Celebration! Be sure to look for us!
Simple Talk is a new Noon Hour bible study that has been meeting the first Monday of every month since the first of the year. We typically have 15 -2o women who meet and discuss and fellowship. Check us out at the Sioux Center Library the first Monday of the month at Noon!
And speaking.... well, Jen has been out and about. Twice at Landsmere Ridge, The Sunnybrook Women's Retreat, Village Northwest (Which was the favorite!) and the Bridge Women's Conference. Each time God has blessed with the words to say, and the right people in my path! Still trying to figure out what to call this portion. I've just been going under Simply Grace. Which may be how it stays... Any feedback???
Last week, we had the opportunity to do a run of flowers again. 5 ladies who came to our hearts were hand delivered some gerber daisies! Let us know if you know of someone who could use a little "pick me up"
Finally, prayer. (Saved the best for last) Niki has been praying for many. If you have a request let us know. We ask that you life up Judy Netten and her family. Makayla Smith, 4 year old daughter of Darin & Krista Smith, is her granddaughter and has been diagnosed with cancer and is starting treatment this week. Judy was with me for a session at the Bridge Conference and was a blessing. Please pray for each of them and for a Makayla Miracle!